Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I want to keep a blog post of great websites. I will continue to edit and add as I learn about great new teaching resources!

www.tagxedo.com - A lot like wordle but you can put it into different shapes and whatnot. I made one on a list of memories I constantly add to between me and my fiance Michael <3



www.piclits.com  An interesting site in which you can put text on top of provided pictures to illustrate an idea. We did one in class about a focus lesson.


PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com

http://www.twitter.com/ search: comments4kids  --> teachers invite the public to comment on their students' work! So cool

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm excited to see you using your blog for this. It makes me happy to see people taking their spaces and using them for their own purposes!

    Well done. Beautiful tagxedo, too.

