Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Class Notes: 2/22/11

To share or not to share?
  • Start small, some students are not comfortable
  • It means putting yourself out there and being proud of your work
  • Some subjects are difficult to talk about
  • If students are sharing, so should we
  • Give students choice about what they share
  • Could be judged for wanting to share, for not being a good writer, for it being unoriginal etc.
  • Should go over proper behavior for listening to other students before a student ever shares. Go over how to be good listeners, how to ask appropriate questions and give constructive comments.
  • Helps build confidence
  • Stepping stone approach, share with partner, teacher, small group, then larger group
  • Helps with reading and speaking in front of people
  • Whats the point of writing something if nobody ever reads it? Can be a sense of motivation for some
  • What is submit anonymously and have teacher read to class? Could help w anxiety and build confidence


Editing Ideas:
  • Use color coded dots to signify spelling, grammar, punctuation errors etc. so they know where their error is but they fix it on their own.
  • 3 star writing: check list. can be any 3 things. Examples: Are these the best ideas I could put together? Did I edit all the way through?
  • Look at paper for just punctuation, then just spelling, going line by line. Could use Popsicle sticks to stay on task.

Writing Formula:
40 % Ideas
20% Conventions
20% Style (word choice, voice, etc)
20% Organization

*Do we teach with the same emphasis?

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