Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dancing to South Africa

Yesterday was such a great day at school! The year1-5 students are putting together dances for a "Move and Groove" performance! Year 6 does not take part because we are putting together our own special production. Anyhow, one of the teachers has broken her foot and obviously has a hard time teaching her class a dance, so I offered up my help. It was probably one of the best 30 minutes of my day so far! haha They were year 5 so thats 9 and 10 year old, and they were SO good! They could count music and excecute the moves. What they already knew they knew really well and they picked up quickly on what I taught them. It is all pretty simple, but so much fun to just jump in and teach some dance! Wow how I have missed that!

I also started working on a powerpoint presentation about South Africa because next week is Book Week- aka the book fair comes. Each class is assigned a team in the Rugby World Cup and we will represent that country all week during Book Week festivities. The first step is to learn about our country and create a class logo. So, we start with a brief powerepoint I will be presenting today and the student will each design a logo/emblem to be entered into a class-wide and then a grade-wide competition!

After school Jodi came over and her, Amy and I watched Romeo and Juliet with Leo Decaprio :) There were so many movie I had not seen we ran to the DVD store on Tuesday night and got 5 different movie (5 ofr $5 yahoo!) that I havent seen yet. We watched Love Actually on Tuesday night (which I realized that I HAD actually seen, but only once) and then watched R&J last night. We had a little break so I could skype with Michael and we made Tacos! They call ground beef "Mince" haha.

Anyhow, I uploaded the 300 pictures from this weekend onto my computer, and will go through them today and put up a few on here and facebook. Finally!

Tomorrow is Friday! Can't wait to see what this weekend cooks up! :)

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