Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quite the Girls Weekend!

Well time for a crash update again! Haha- I was going to update yesterday but I was on the computer skyping my mom and Emily for over an hour so I was just really ready to get off the computer :) It was SO nice talking to them though! I didn't realize I was a bit homesick until I talked to them, but I felt so content afterwards, just hearing from my family.

Anyhow, Saturday night was a blast! Amy and I met her friends Julie and Ash at their house in Auckland City and had some snacks and wine and then went out for a night on the town! We went to a Japanese restaurant and then to a bar for some drinks. It was so nice to see Auckland and just have a fun girls night out! (Brett- Amy's fiance is down at Fox glacier on a hunting trip and wont be back until at least Saturday). We spent the night there and drove back home Saturday morning! We were so energized we decided to go for a run and shower, then Jodi came over and we were off to her batch (aka- summer home). The drive has been by far one of my favorite parts of the trip so far! OMG the scenery was absolutely INCREDIBLE. Huge rolling hills covered in lush vibrant green grass, old fences criss-crossing the land, tons of beautiful white sheep, a few trees here and there, a blue blue sky with white clouds framing the hills. It was breathtaking. Then just when I thought it couldn't get any better we started driving through these mountains and valleys, looking straight down into the bush. Then all of a sudden we were right along the coast, in one cove after the other, with beautiful views of more of New Zealand just across the water. It was about an hour drive and I snapped TONS of pictures! (promise more pics coming soon!)

Once settled in, we were off to this Fish and Chips dive just down the road. We got fish and chips and a burger covered in slaw and pineapple fritters! It was all AMAZING. Funny side note- any place like this in the States would have tarter sauce and ketchup in huge containers on every table, here though, you had to BUY a little CAN of "tomato sauce" haha and it is just not the same. Anyhow, it was an awesome dinner, we were finally having some good weather so it was decently warm and we ate outside under a bazillion stars :) We went back to the batch- which by the way was up on a hill with an amazing view of the ocean. We watched Casino Royal on tv, played this 80's game called "headbands" and made fondue, oh and painted our nails! It was the ultimate girls night! haha Then after attack of the bugs, (Jodi sprayed them but then they all fell dead on top of us- gross!) we were finally asleep for a good 10 hours. Woke up, had some cereal and were off for a walk around this little forest park. It was beautiful there too, of course. On our way out we stopped at this place called the Dragon's Attic (I think?) and there is this couple that sculpts all these amazing little figurines, pots, trinkets etc. of mostly dragons, but some other animals including frogs out of clay! I got the most amazing little dish for ,my earrings, with little frogs along the rim. Then off for another beautifully scenic drive home :)

Once home, Amy and I went grocery shopping for healthy food for the week. We were so proud of ourselves! Then we both worked out and showered and then cooked dinner and watched dance scene. This was all on Monday as we had it off school thanks to the Queen of England having a birthday :) haha gotta love that!

Yesterday was back to school, I am having a blast in the classroom! The older age is definitely intimidating to me, but it's such great experience. Katie is so great as well, she is giving me tons of stuff to read to become familiar with their curriculum and standards etc. They have this cool thing called "Jump Jam" they do Tues, Wed and Thurs morning where they have this DVD with all these songs and dances they all learned, and then the Year 6 classes get together and do a couple in the morning to start the day! They are to songs like "Car Wash" and "Kung Fu Fighter" haha it was so cool! Katie and I decided yesterday that I would teach the first 2 weeks of term 3 (In August), which will be the beginning of the topic- Energy. I am so excited! Today I will be teaching a lesson on Inference with a small reading group. (I'm at school now, I normally skype Michael during this time before school, but he was off playing volleyball somewhere in Spain and couldn't make it to the computer haha he is just having the time of his life! Can't wait for him to be in NZ in just 2 short weeks!

School will start soon so I'm off! Will update pics ASAP! Promise! haha

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