Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Whew! After a 5 hours flight to San Francisco, having to go BACK thru security, (where I totally forgot about my half full water bottle, had to go back out, empty it and go back thru security again), waiting in cali for about an hour, then loading up for a 12 hours flight in NEW ZEALAND! I chose my seat by 2 empty seats in the hopes of stretching out, but unfortunatly 2 large individuals decided to forgoe their assigned seats to sit next to me? haha I can't complain though, I still got here! 2 meals, 8 hours of sleep, some turbulance and a nose bleed later I was walking off the double decker plane into the New Zealand Airport for customs and finally.... to meet my host parents!!! Amy and Brett were waiting for me and got me off to the car in no time!

Amy and I were all chatter the entire way in :) She couldn't wait to show me their adorable house with a kickin' view both out the front and back! You can see ocean from the front! So cool! I got my own room which I am already settled into! (oh! the mail man just drove by in his scooter and dropped off the mail! haha so cool!)

Its pouring rain and super windy, but I can't wait to go out and explore. First things first though, I made some toast, and now Im off to shower. Then probably a nap so I can try to get on their schedule. :)

Will upload pics later, thats all for now!

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