Monday, May 23, 2011

Ring Dance 2011

So I know this blog is for New Zealand, but I guess it is also just about my life at this point in time, in which case I think it is appropriate to blog about the incredible time I had this past weekend at the Air Force Academy Ring Dance 2011. It is a dinner and ball they hold for the Juniors every year in which they recieve their class rings. It was a weekend full of baseball, old friends and new friends I feel like I have known forever (Taylor!), eating, dancing and tradition.

Michael and I on the Tarrazzo in front of the famous chapel

Michael's Ring in my Glass of Champagne!

Favorite part of the whole weekend: at the dinner, the AOC's of each squadron hands out the class rings to the Academy member's date. They then plop the ring into their glass of champaign, drink to the bottom and let the ring fall into their mouth, then kiss their date and transfer the ring! They then take it out of their mouth and put it on! Such a cool tradition, and so much fun!

Even though the baseball team lost their weekend series against BYU, Michael closed out the last game and got to throw the last pitch of the season! I thought that was pretty neat :)

Got home last night after a delayed flight that got me in at 1am, had a great nights rest, and now off to pack to leave for New Zealand TOMORROW!!! It all seems so sureal. I have waited for New Zealand for so long now, and Ring Dance for even longer. One down, one to go. Then when I return wedding planning! What an exciting year in my life, can't wait to soak it all up :)

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