Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rubber Chickens and Homemade Pizza

Today was a GREAT day in the classroom! I decided it would be best to move from the 7 year old class to the 10/11 year old class to get experience with the upper level since I have not had that at all yet. I am now witht he incredible Team Leader, Katie Clay. She is in Amy's team so we get to work together now too! Her students are so welcoming and so sweet, so different than the 5th graders I am used to.

It was a ad moment leaving my little year threes though, even after just a day and a half, we were fairly attached to each other. There is this one little girl in the class who insisted on giving me a gift on my departure haha she said in her confident voice "Mrs. Sheffield! Mrs. Sheffield! I think we need to give Mrs. Croft a gift!" (in her adorable NZ accent) and she proceeded to pull out this rubber chicken from nowhere and present it to me! Mrs. Sheffield obviously did not feel this was necesary, and I politely told her that although it was sweet, I did not need a gift, (especially a rubber chicken) but thank you anyways. I almost lost it in front of the entire class. Oh I will never forget this sweet little girl :)

After school Amy had a netball game with the Waka warriors! Its a women's rec league she is part of with a couple of other teachers. It is a very interesting game, fast paced but almost gentle in the fact that you cant block and get in each other's faces like you can in American basketball. I loved watching though, and who knows, maybe they can show me ropes and I can play a bit!

For dinner we made homemade pizza! I searched to grocery for canned mushrooms, but only found some in a wierd butter sauce, not so good. Had a good time, a little wine and some laughs over youtube videos afterwards. Too bad Old Greg is not as funny to them becaue the British accent isnt so different from theirs, which is half the fun for me.

Thats all for now! Will post most more pics from the beach and whatnot later!

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