Exciting news- I am officially going to New Zealand this summer to complete my student teaching!!!! Ahhhh I am so excited. I have been checking my email obsessantly today because my contact in NZ said she would send me my host family and teacher information "today" (that being in quotes because that is in NZ time-17 hours ahead) and I still have not recieved them... the suspense is killing me!
As a side note- I plan on using this blog during my time in Auckland to document my travels and experiences. I am SO glad I have been able to become aquanted with blogging before I leave as just about everything there will be foreign to me... and it will be nice to at least not have to learn how to blog on top of it all. I must say this whole "student teaching abroad" thing is equally exciting, mind-blowing and terrifying. I have a million questions running through my head at all times... to name a few:
Will I like my host family? What will my mentor teacher be like? How will I teach science in metric units and New Zealand history? What should I pack? when should I leave? How will I work out the money situation? What kind of phone should I look into having for the 3 months I am there? How bad will I miss my friends and family exactly? Will their dialects be difficult to understand? Will I actually fill out this 20 page student visa in correctly and in time? Will I go crazy after being on a plane for that many hours? How will I survive without my own printer and home library and all the resources I am so used to having readily available? What is the food like?
But then again, I'm sure everything will be A-Okay. right?
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