Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My New Class for the Summer!

I have been in touch with my host teacher for New Zealand and have already learned so much about the class! Check out how fun they look:

I am so looking forward to spending 3 months with these students and getting to know each and every one of them! I have been browsing their class Wiki and feel like I have already learned so much! Like how they call their Mom "Mum" hehe so cool! I can't wait to compare and contrast life in New Zealand to life in the United States- how interesting.

SHOUT OUT- Hey Ms. Sheffield's class! I can't to meet you all! Here is a silly picture of me planting a sunflower seed after my students (in the class I teach in now) planted theirs!

That is all for now! Stay posted!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a fun looking group! You must be so excited! I am so glad they use technology to share so you can learn about them from across the miles. (And they can learn about you, too!)

    I have thought about using our course wiki more like theirs, with each student owning a page. You'll have to let me know how that works. I'm thrilled that kids are using a wiki as part of their learning.
