Monday, April 25, 2011


I have decided to continue using this blog as I make my adventures through New Zealand this summer to complete my student teaching through the COST program. I plan on posting pictures and journaling as much as I can, as I want to remember this experience and keep family and friends updated. :)

First Stop- Visa Application! It took me about a week to get all of the info together: bank statement, letter if invitation from the US and NZ COST coordinators, my passport, the application itself... and 45 minutes in FedEx all to get it back a week later uncomplete saying I now need a letter from the actual elementary school in Wakaaranga, NZ. SO- here I go again! Waiting for that letter, putting it all back together and re-sending it! Let's hope this time it works!

Link to the school's website:

1 comment:

  1. I am so thrilled for you! Wow! I have loved reading the blogs from students teaching and traveling overseas. I hope you won't mind me reading along and chiming in every once in a while! (if you do, just let me know!) I hope your family and friends enjoy connecting with you this way.

