Friday, April 29, 2011

Last Day at Whitehead Road

Today was my last day with my precious first graders in Mrs. Maxwell's first grade class. They were so sweet and wrote me a book of goodbye letters, got my flowers and a sweet gift :) I am truly going to miss each and every one of these students.

I made them little goody bags of bubbles, a ring pop, silly band and a picture of themselves I had taken throuhgout the year. I think they really liked them! I will say though, the ring pop and bubbles were an interesting mix at recess today haha. At the end of the day I showed them a world map so they could see where were are and where NZ is, explaining this is why I have to leave them, because I get to go teach 3rd graders in another country! They couldn't believe how far away it was! Had fun showing them pictures from the semester as well. An exhausting but amazing Friday.

Favorite quote of the day:
Student: Ms. Croft, I'm not going to cry today (other students were crying because I was leaving)
Me: Well good! That's what I like to hear! :)
Student: You know why?
Me: No, why? :)
Student: Because I am going to hold you in my heart forever and remember you there

I was amazed at the truth in her words, and how mature this converstation was for a first grader. Thank you Stephanie for an amazing semester! I will miss you and your class so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this made me smile. Look at those radiant faces! (Yours, too!) Sharing life and learning for a while is such an amazing experience. You'll never forget these kids, and you've made a mark on them, too!
